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We Want To Legalize Charity

Despite massive opposition from peoples of all cultures and creeds, the City of Houston approved its Charitable Feeding Ban in 2012. This controversial ordinance makes it a crime to distribute food contributions to more than five people without an approved city permit for a charitable event. In essence, the city wants to collect permit fees from people who only want to give food to the homeless or indigent.

Attorney Eric Dick of Dick Law Firm in Houston has recently filed a case against the City of Houston on behalf of his client, Phillip Bryant. Within the claim, Mr. Bryant and Eric Dick have brought forth many reasons why the Charitable Feeding Ban is not only morally wrong but also unconstitutional. To prevent someone from giving to those in need as many religious texts say is the word of God is indeed the ban of someone’s right to freely exercise their religion.

Bryant is a devoted Christian who humbly provides food and water to the homeless on the streets of Houston whenever possible. Due to the fact that he often stops randomly when he sees someone on the side of the road who appears to be indigent, it is impossible for him to know when he will be compelled to help and donate. Thus, it is unreasonable and illogical to expect him to see a group of homeless people, drive down to the county clerk’s office, file for a permit, wait for approval, and come back to them to provide a few cans of food and bottles of water.

Attorney Eric Dick first filed a 60-day warning to the City of Houston back in December, which stated that the city must repeal the Charitable Feeding Ban, or else prepare for a lawsuit. As the city did not respond accordingly to the notice, this lawsuit brought forth by Mr. Bryant and handled by Dick Law Firm is necessary to defend the religious freedoms of the people of Houston.

To stay on top of this ongoing case, be sure to visit our law blog for critical updates. You can also contact our firm at any time if you need the help of Houston attorney Eric Dick for a case of your own. We primarily focus on insurance claim laws, shielding consumers from dishonest insurance companies.

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